Informations du Restaurant
Chemin de la Fontaine 10, 1260 Nyon
Horaires d'aujourd'hui
Boeuf: Suisse, Autriche
Poulet: France, Hongrie, Allemagne,Pays-Bas,Hongrie, Slovaquie, Roumanie
Porc: Suisse
Poisson:Pacifique Nord-Est,Vietnam
Pain: Suisse,Italie(sans gluten)
Allergies ?
Si tu souffres d'une allergie pouvant impacter ta sante ou si tu as des contraintes alimentaires (comme le sans gluten ou le sans lactose, par exemple), il est fortement recommande de contacter directement le partenaire avant de finaliser ta commande.
There are 15 products.
McFlurry M&M'S
The quality and consistency of the ice cannot be guaranteed due to transport.
McFlurry Ovomaltine
The quality and consistency of the ice cannot be guaranteed due to transport.
Sundae Nature
The quality and consistency of the ice cannot be guaranteed due to transport.
Sundae Chocolat
The quality and consistency of the ice cannot be guaranteed due to transport
Strawberry Sundae
The quality and consistency of the ice cannot be guaranteed due to transport
McFlurry Nature
The quality and consistency of the ice cannot be guaranteed due to transport.
copy of Sundae Caramel
The quality and consistency of the ice cannot be guaranteed due to transport
McFlurry KitKat
The quality and consistency of the ice cannot be guaranteed due to transport.